Solaride is a community of people who give a damn!

The Solaride project started in 2020 on the initiative of two students of the University of Tartu to build the first solar car in the Baltics. Today this is an interdisciplinary education and cooperation project whose main focus is the development of future talents and the popularization of technology education. More than 300 high school students, university students, mentors, trainers and partners are involved in the project.

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Why Solaride?

  • In the next 10 years, Estonia will be lacking ⅔ of the engineers needed in the manufacturing industry
  • The Estonian information space does not sufficiently support the entry of young people, including women, into the field of technology
  • We need a stronger link between the social and natural sciences
  • We need young people who do not work on autopilot but are ready to create a better future with their attitudes and actions

Solaride as an education and cooperation project

Solaride is a project that brings together people with social and natural science backgrounds, young talent and top experts for a common goal. Our greatest value is a diverse team.

The project is supported by Estonian top universities, top organisations and companies. Solaride's main sponsor is the Ministry of Education and Research and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications in cooperation with Tehnopol.

The second season (2022-2023) has begun and one of the aims is to create a unique learning platform “Solaride Academy”. Also, we will build a next-generation solar car that will compete against the other solar cars constructed by the world's top universities in October 2023 in Australia Bridgestone World Solar Challenge. It is a major event, which history goes back 35 years and the competition is watched by 15 million people worldwide.

Solaride as an entrepreneurship and innovation project

Solaride mimics a medium-sized technology company in terms of its work environment and structure, giving young people a realistic and hands-on experience of running an organization. At the same time, young people themselves are important shapers of organizational development and take real responsibility.

Our core values ​​and activities are focused on young people who are participating in this program. Our goal is to form them to be adaptable to life changes and entrepreneurial in later life, whether in the form of real entrepreneurship or, more broadly, entrepreneurship and an 'I give a damn' mentality.

SolarCar Estonia MTÜ

Registry code: 80580313
+372 5117241 
Narva mnt 18,
Tartu 51009 Eesti
LHV pank



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